How you can turn networking from necessary evil to business heaven
We’ve recently joined forces with Essex Business Partnerships to launch a monthly networking breakfast.
Whether business is busy or not, networking has value – if you do it right.
Try these ten top tips to help you feel more confident and connected:
1. Get out there:
Try lots of different events. Find the one that works for you.
Look at networking groups, local events, industry events, conferences, casual meet ups, expos and so on.
Online networking has its merits but in-person interactions are powerful so feel the fear and DO IT ANYWAY!
2. Get a game plan:
If you know why you’re there then you know what success looks like.
But don’t get carried away, networking is about connections and that can take a bit of time.
Consider if you’re looking for clients, collaborators, industry insight, mentors or even solidarity! (Or all of the above!)
3. Introduce yourself:
Consider and prepare an introduction to yourself and your business.
Something short and simple that helps people to understand, who you are, what you do and the value you add.
Don’t be afraid to walk up to someone and introduce yourself. Everyone is there for the same reason and, no doubt, anyone standing on their own will be grateful for it.
4. Be a good listener:
Yes, that introduction is important but don’t be a party bore or go in cold and force your business card into people’s hands.
Connections can’t be made on a one-way street so take an interest in people’s stories and experiences.
Show genuine interest by listening and responding – you just never know what surprising connections you can make.
5. Be generous:
Offering insights and the benefit of your experience to others doesn’t undercut your ability to reach potential customers, it shows your worth.
Sharing your expertise helps to build trust and may also be reciprocated.
But don’t be afraid to say that you don’t know. You’ll often find that people are at different stages of their business journey so tips and advice can be found in lots of different ways.
6. Quality over quantity:
It’s not about collecting or giving out as many business cards as you can.
Build more meaningful relationships by focussing on the process and genuine connection.
Even if you only speak to one or two people, they may end up impacting your business journey for the better, that’s worth more than 100 business cards in your desk drawer.
7. Baby steps:
If you don’t feel confident attending in person events yet, build up to it.
Remote networking has its merits and can be a great platform to practise for face-to-face networking.
There are also so many friendly, niche online communities that are easily accessible so you don’t have to worry about a long drive or changing out of your slippers.
8. Follow up:
Send an email, connect on LinkedIn or even drop a message to the people you meet.
Engage with their content and stay on their radar.
Relationships built through networking ar eno different to any other relationship. Nurture them.
9. Be yourself:
Instead of sticking to safe topics or ‘business speak’, talk about the things that excite or inspire you.
Share your vulnerabilities – what challenges are you facing?
Maybe that person can help. Maybe that person can empathise. Either way it’s much easier to be yourself and stick at it than put on an act and struggle to connect.
10. Embrace diversity:
Never assume that because you’ve tried one networking event, networking isn’t for you.
Seek out opportunities beyond your usual circles.
You’ll gain fresh insight and broaden your network. You may even make new friends.
Remember: networking isn’t just about what you can get – it’s also about what you can give. Before you think, “This person won’t be able to help me,” try and understand that networking is an opportunity to reach all the people they know as well.
Approach it with authenticity, curiosity and a willingness to learn, and you’ll see meaningful results.
You can put these tips into practice at the next Essex Business Partnership Rochford and Southend networking event on Wednesday 18th September.
Every effort is made to help people feel welcome, introduce people and facilitate opportunities to make connections.
With a fun, friendly atmosphere and a delightful breakfast on offer, it’s a great way to start the day. Book your place now!